I highly recommend a shot of this...and I don't drink, but for the last five years, it sure seems like most of the Country, and DLC Congressional Members, had the above on tap.
Sorry for the brief post, but the last few days, I've been working at, of all places, a lobbying firm. If I'm gonna play with the "big dogs", then I need some training, so I don't get eaten alive, cause DC is like that. So, enjoy the humorous posts, both here, and over at the Pesky Fly.
Few people even scratch the surface, much less exhaust the contemplation of their own experience.
I have a Phone Sex site/blog. It pretty much covers Phone Sex and Adult related talk.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)
Not into what you're selling. Guess I've got to install Spam-killer.
OTOH, I've heard that anyone critizing Uncle Junior gets these posts soliciting favors.
And in case you missed it, Anonymous, I'm known as the Christian Progressive Liberal. I have no need for a sex site, when the real thing is available when the time is right. Get lost.
FYI, here's the easiest way to deal w/ this type of spam:
1) Go to blogger dashboard and sign in.
2) Click "Change Settings"<
3) Click on the "Comments" tab on the second row on the top of the screen.
4) Set "Word verification for comments?" to "Yes."
5) Click "Save Settings."
6) Republish your blog.
E-mail me if you have any questions about this. Also, come check out my blog now that it's up. :)
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