Hurricane Katrina was certainly underestimated. When she was first spotted on the radar, the Weather Channel individuals made out like she wasn't going to pack the punch that she did. I mean, she was given a Category 1 rating, when the truth of the matter was, girlfriend was a Category 5 hurricane.
Meanwhile, President Bush is out in sunny San Diego, playing guitar and lying about the war in Iraq, the economy, and everything else that's turned to crap on his watch, while people in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are being washed away into the Gulf of Mexico. Sounds very similar to what Emperor Nero was doing while Rome BURNED - fiddling. If the indifference of the President of the United States to the suffering of human beings isn't catching the attention of the rest of the American People, and inciting them towards feelings of outrage, there's no more hope of doing so.
I find it ironic that the states that are being devestated by natural disasters, are the "reddest" states in the nation who voted to re-elect Bush in a landslide, and I'm sure it's purely coincidental. Or is it?
Now, here's the real test - how will Bush respond to those who are suffering and have lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, yet they responded to their fear in 2004 and sent him back to the White House? Will he demostrate some of that "compassionate conservatism" he so often braggs about, or will he continue to demostrate his true feelings...of INDIFFERENCE?
However, we who are intelligent thinkers, and not drunk on GOP grog, read the warning about Bush's inability to exhibit human emotion or respond to another human being's suffering. Dr. Justin Frank, the author of the best-seller, "Bush on The Couch" articulated in his book that people like Bush are insulated from responding to another's suffering, which really facilitates indifference towards them, and their plight. So, Bush's responses (or lack thereof) are not coming to Americans unaware. It also explains why he doesn't give a damn about the troops fighting in Iraq, because if he did, they would have been better equipped, trained, armed...and less soldiers like Casey Sheehan may have survived their tours of duty.
George Bush, President Indifference. You can't make this stuff up...and I wish someone was making up this fact that we have a President who responds to world-wide, as well as domestic suffering in the same way...with INDIFFERENCE. And no Christian has ever responded to the plight of another's suffering with indifference - if Jesus responded to the suffering of another with compassion, mercy and assistance, everyone identifying him/herself in similar fashion.
Or does the standards of being a Christian change, because Bush proclaims himself to be one?